* Pimcore
* This source file is available under two different licenses:
* - GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
* - Pimcore Commercial License (PCL)
* Full copyright and license information is available in
* LICENSE.md which is distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Pimcore GmbH (http://www.pimcore.org)
* @license http://www.pimcore.org/license GPLv3 and PCL
namespace Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image;
use Pimcore\Event\AssetEvents;
use Pimcore\Event\FrontendEvents;
use Pimcore\Logger;
use Pimcore\Model\Asset;
use Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image;
use Pimcore\Model\Asset\Thumbnail\ImageThumbnailTrait;
use Pimcore\Model\Exception\NotFoundException;
use Pimcore\Tool;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;
final class Thumbnail
use ImageThumbnailTrait;
* @internal
* @var bool[]
protected static $hasListenersCache = [];
* @param Image $asset
* @param string|array|Thumbnail\Config|null $config
* @param bool $deferred
public function __construct($asset, $config = null, $deferred = true)
$this->asset = $asset;
$this->deferred = $deferred;
$this->config = $this->createConfig($config);
* @param bool $deferredAllowed
* @param bool $cacheBuster
* @return string
public function getPath($deferredAllowed = true, $cacheBuster = false)
$pathReference = null;
if ($this->getConfig()) {
if ($this->useOriginalFile($this->asset->getFilename()) && $this->getConfig()->isSvgTargetFormatPossible()) {
// we still generate the raster image, to get the final size of the thumbnail
// we use getRealFullPath() here, to avoid double encoding (getFullPath() returns already encoded path)
$pathReference = [
'src' => $this->asset->getRealFullPath(),
'type' => 'asset',
if (!$pathReference) {
$pathReference = $this->getPathReference($deferredAllowed);
$path = $this->convertToWebPath($pathReference);
if ($cacheBuster) {
$path = $this->addCacheBuster($path, ['cacheBuster' => true], $this->getAsset());
if ($this->hasListeners(FrontendEvents::ASSET_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL)) {
$event = new GenericEvent($this, [
'pathReference' => $pathReference,
'frontendPath' => $path,
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($event, FrontendEvents::ASSET_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL);
$path = $event->getArgument('frontendPath');
return $path;
public function getFileSize(): ?int
$pathReference = $this->getPathReference(false);
if ($pathReference['type'] === 'asset') {
return $this->asset->getFileSize();
} elseif (isset($pathReference['storagePath'])) {
return Tool\Storage::get('thumbnail')->fileSize($pathReference['storagePath']);
return null;
* @return null|resource
public function getStream()
$pathReference = $this->getPathReference(false);
if ($pathReference['type'] === 'asset') {
return $this->asset->getStream();
} elseif (isset($pathReference['storagePath'])) {
return Tool\Storage::get('thumbnail')->readStream($pathReference['storagePath']);
return null;
* @param string $eventName
* @return bool
protected function hasListeners(string $eventName): bool
if (!isset(self::$hasListenersCache[$eventName])) {
self::$hasListenersCache[$eventName] = \Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->hasListeners($eventName);
return self::$hasListenersCache[$eventName];
* @param string $filename
* @return bool
protected function useOriginalFile($filename)
if ($this->getConfig()) {
if (!$this->getConfig()->isRasterizeSVG() && preg_match("@\.svgz?$@", $filename)) {
return true;
return false;
* @internal
* @param bool $deferredAllowed
public function generate($deferredAllowed = true)
$deferred = false;
$generated = false;
if ($this->asset && empty($this->pathReference)) {
// if no correct thumbnail config is given use the original image as thumbnail
if (!$this->config) {
$this->pathReference = [
'type' => 'asset',
'src' => $this->asset->getRealFullPath(),
} else {
try {
$deferred = $deferredAllowed && $this->deferred;
$this->pathReference = Thumbnail\Processor::process($this->asset, $this->config, null, $deferred, $generated);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Logger::error("Couldn't create thumbnail of image " . $this->asset->getRealFullPath());
if (empty($this->pathReference)) {
$this->pathReference = [
'type' => 'error',
'src' => '/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/filetype-not-supported.svg',
if ($this->hasListeners(AssetEvents::IMAGE_THUMBNAIL)) {
$event = new GenericEvent($this, [
'deferred' => $deferred,
'generated' => $generated,
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($event, AssetEvents::IMAGE_THUMBNAIL);
* @return string Public path to thumbnail image.
public function __toString()
return $this->getPath(true);
* @param string $path
* @param array $options
* @param Asset $asset
* @return string
private function addCacheBuster(string $path, array $options, Asset $asset): string
if (isset($options['cacheBuster']) && $options['cacheBuster']) {
if (!str_starts_with($path, 'http')) {
$path = '/cache-buster-' . $asset->getVersionCount() . $path;
return $path;
private function getSourceTagHtml(Image\Thumbnail\Config $thumbConfig, string $mediaQuery, Image $image, array $options): string
$srcSetValues = [];
$sourceTagAttributes = [];
foreach ([1, 2] as $highRes) {
$thumbConfigRes = clone $thumbConfig;
$thumb = $image->getThumbnail($thumbConfigRes, true);
$descriptor = $highRes . 'x';
$srcSetValues[] = $this->addCacheBuster($thumb . ' ' . $descriptor, $options, $image);
if ($this->useOriginalFile($this->asset->getFilename()) && $this->getConfig()->isSvgTargetFormatPossible()) {
$sourceTagAttributes['srcset'] = implode(', ', $srcSetValues);
if ($mediaQuery) {
$sourceTagAttributes['media'] = $mediaQuery;
if (isset($options['previewDataUri'])) {
$sourceTagAttributes['data-srcset'] = $sourceTagAttributes['srcset'];
$sourceTagAttributes['type'] = $thumb->getMimeType();
$sourceCallback = $options['sourceCallback'] ?? null;
if ($sourceCallback) {
$sourceTagAttributes = $sourceCallback($sourceTagAttributes);
return '<source ' . array_to_html_attribute_string($sourceTagAttributes) . ' />';
* Get generated HTML for displaying the thumbnail image in a HTML document.
* @param array $options Custom configuration
* @return string
public function getHtml($options = [])
/** @var Image $image */
$image = $this->getAsset();
$thumbConfig = $this->getConfig();
$pictureTagAttributes = $options['pictureAttributes'] ?? []; // this is used for the html5 <picture> element
if ((isset($options['lowQualityPlaceholder']) && $options['lowQualityPlaceholder']) && !Tool::isFrontendRequestByAdmin()) {
$previewDataUri = $image->getLowQualityPreviewDataUri();
if (!$previewDataUri) {
// use a 1x1 transparent GIF as a fallback if no LQIP exists
$previewDataUri = '';
// this gets used in getImagTag() later
$options['previewDataUri'] = $previewDataUri;
$isAutoFormat = $thumbConfig instanceof Image\Thumbnail\Config ? strtolower($thumbConfig->getFormat()) === 'source' : false;
if ($isAutoFormat) {
// ensure the default image is not WebP
$this->pathReference = [];
$pictureCallback = $options['pictureCallback'] ?? null;
if ($pictureCallback) {
$pictureTagAttributes = $pictureCallback($pictureTagAttributes);
$html = '<picture ' . array_to_html_attribute_string($pictureTagAttributes) . '>' . "\n";
if ($thumbConfig instanceof Image\Thumbnail\Config) {
$mediaConfigs = $thumbConfig->getMedias();
// currently only max-width is supported, the key of the media is WIDTHw (eg. 400w) according to the srcset specification
ksort($mediaConfigs, SORT_NUMERIC);
array_push($mediaConfigs, $thumbConfig->getItems()); //add the default config at the end - picturePolyfill v4
foreach ($mediaConfigs as $mediaQuery => $config) {
$sourceHtml = $this->getSourceTagHtml($thumbConfig, $mediaQuery, $image, $options);
if (!empty($sourceHtml)) {
if ($isAutoFormat) {
$autoFormats = \Pimcore::getContainer()->getParameter('pimcore.config')['assets']['image']['thumbnails']['auto_formats'];
foreach ($autoFormats as $autoFormat => $autoFormatConfig) {
if (self::supportsFormat($autoFormat) && $autoFormatConfig['enabled']) {
$thumbConfigAutoFormat = clone $thumbConfig;
if (!empty($autoFormatConfig['quality'])) {
$sourceWebP = $this->getSourceTagHtml($thumbConfigAutoFormat, $mediaQuery, $image, $options);
if (!empty($sourceWebP)) {
$html .= "\t" . $sourceWebP . "\n";
$html .= "\t" . $sourceHtml . "\n";
if (!($options['disableImgTag'] ?? null)) {
$html .= "\t" . $this->getImageTag($options) . "\n";
$html .= '</picture>' . "\n";
if (isset($options['useDataSrc']) && $options['useDataSrc']) {
$html = preg_replace('/ src(set)?=/i', ' data-src$1=', $html);
return $html;
* @param array $options
* @param array $removeAttributes
* @return string
public function getImageTag(array $options = [], array $removeAttributes = []): string
/** @var Image $image */
$image = $this->getAsset();
$attributes = $options['imgAttributes'] ?? [];
$callback = $options['imgCallback'] ?? null;
if (isset($options['previewDataUri'])) {
$attributes['src'] = $options['previewDataUri'];
} else {
$path = $this->getPath(true);
$attributes['src'] = $this->addCacheBuster($path, $options, $image);
if (!isset($options['disableWidthHeightAttributes'])) {
if ($this->getWidth()) {
$attributes['width'] = $this->getWidth();
if ($this->getHeight()) {
$attributes['height'] = $this->getHeight();
$altText = !empty($options['alt']) ? $options['alt'] : (!empty($attributes['alt']) ? $attributes['alt'] : '');
$titleText = !empty($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : (!empty($attributes['title']) ? $attributes['title'] : '');
if (empty($titleText) && (!isset($options['disableAutoTitle']) || !$options['disableAutoTitle'])) {
if ($image->getMetadata('title')) {
$titleText = $image->getMetadata('title');
if (empty($altText) && (!isset($options['disableAutoAlt']) || !$options['disableAutoAlt'])) {
if ($image->getMetadata('alt')) {
$altText = $image->getMetadata('alt');
} elseif (isset($options['defaultalt'])) {
$altText = $options['defaultalt'];
} else {
$altText = $titleText;
// get copyright from asset
if ($image->getMetadata('copyright') && (!isset($options['disableAutoCopyright']) || !$options['disableAutoCopyright'])) {
if (!empty($altText)) {
$altText .= ' | ';
if (!empty($titleText)) {
$titleText .= ' | ';
$altText .= ('© ' . $image->getMetadata('copyright'));
$titleText .= ('© ' . $image->getMetadata('copyright'));
$attributes['alt'] = $altText;
if (!empty($titleText)) {
$attributes['title'] = $titleText;
if (!isset($attributes['loading'])) {
$attributes['loading'] = 'lazy';
foreach ($removeAttributes as $attribute) {
if ($callback) {
$attributes = $callback($attributes);
$htmlImgTag = '';
if (!empty($attributes)) {
$htmlImgTag = '<img ' . array_to_html_attribute_string($attributes) . ' />';
return $htmlImgTag;
* @param string $name
* @param int $highRes
* @return Thumbnail
* @throws \Exception
public function getMedia($name, $highRes = 1)
$thumbConfig = $this->getConfig();
$mediaConfigs = $thumbConfig->getMedias();
if (isset($mediaConfigs[$name])) {
$thumbConfigRes = clone $thumbConfig;
/** @var Image $asset */
$asset = $this->getAsset();
$thumb = $asset->getThumbnail($thumbConfigRes);
return $thumb;
} else {
throw new \Exception("Media query '" . $name . "' doesn't exist in thumbnail configuration: " . $thumbConfig->getName());
* Get a thumbnail image configuration.
* @param string|array|Thumbnail\Config $selector Name, array or object describing a thumbnail configuration.
* @return Thumbnail\Config
* @throws NotFoundException
private function createConfig($selector)
$thumbnailConfig = Thumbnail\Config::getByAutoDetect($selector);
if (!empty($selector) && $thumbnailConfig === null) {
throw new NotFoundException('Thumbnail definition "' . (is_string($selector) ? $selector : '') . '" does not exist');
return $thumbnailConfig;